The Saga of Mathematics

The Saga of Mathematics:
A Brief History

Martin Lewinter
William Widulski

Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-034079-0

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We provide a worksheets to accompany various topics from each chapter. Click on the links below to download the worksheets. All are in PDF format.

Copyright Note

The worksheets below are copyright Lewinter and Widulski, 2003. The worksheets are authorized for personal use, and for use in conjunction with a course for which The Saga of Mathematics: A Brief History is the required text. Instructors are free to modify the worksheets to their taste, as long as the modified handouts acknowledge the source and the fact that they have been modified. Paper copies of the worksheets may be sold strictly at the price of reproduction, to students of courses where the book is the required text. Any use that differs from the above, and any for profit sale of the worksheets (in any form) requires the consent of the copyright owners; contact William Widulski ( to obtain the copyright owners consent.

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Chapter Title Last Updated
1. Oh, So Mysterious Egyptian Mathematics! Egyptian Geometry May 15, 2003
2. Mesopotamia Here We Come. Babylonian Arithmetic
Babylonian Multiplicaton
Table Of Babylonian Reciprocals
May 15, 2003
3. Those Incredible Greeks! Attic and Ionic Greek May 15, 2003
4. Greeks Bearing Gifts. May 15, 2003
5. Must All Good Things Come to an End? Abu Kamil Worksheet May 15, 2003
6. Europe Smells the Coffee. Fibonacci Worksheet
May 15, 2003
7. Mathematics Marches On. Math and Music Worksheet
Dec 11, 2003
8. A Few Good Men. May 15, 2003
9. A Most Amazing Century of Mathematical Marvels! May 15, 2003
10. The Age of Euler. May 15, 2003
11. A Century of Surprises. May 15, 2003
12. Ones and Zeros. The Porta's Digarph Matrix
The Vigenere Matrix
May 15, 2003
13. Some More Math Before You Go. May 15, 2003

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Errors and Additions

Please bring any errors to our notice, using the chapter number and the worksheet title to identify the handout. If you have any handouts that you would like to share with other users of the book, do let us know.

Last updated May 15, 2003.

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© 2003 by Professor William F. Widulski Last Updated May 2003